Join us for Open Evening - Tuesday 20 August, 6.30pm

Futsal - Terms 1 and 4

Summary: Futsal is a hugely growing sport for secondary school girls and Sacred Heart College girls love this sport! Futsal is a 5 a-side indoor game played on the indoor courts at Pettigrew Green Arena (PGA) an the New Stadium, Gloucester Street, Taradale, Napier on Friday evening's in Terms 1 and 4. Futsal helps maintain the girl's fitness and helps develop speed and skill for the top Football girls.

Registration: Registrations are closed for Term 4

Logistics: Due to the later times of the games, students are responsible for organising their own transport to and from games.

Games: All games are played at PGA and New Stadium on a Friday evening at differing times usually between 5-7.30pm.

Practices: Teams will practice at school in the Gym at Break 2 - day to be confirmed.

Uniforms: Students will be issued a football shirt and if they wear their black pe shorts and their school sports hoodie or school jacket to and from games. For warmth, players can wear a white, maroon, or black under-layer underneath their playing top. Black Football socks and shin guards (compulsory) are also required.

Equipment: Students are to ensure they have sport shoes or Futsal boots to play in as well as shin guards (compulsory) and black Football socks.

Sports Draw: All games details are available via the Central Football website click here and we have a school sports draw with all game details which is updated weekly and is available on our school sport Facebook page and school sport website and app - titled Weekly Sports Draw.​​​​​​​


SHC Futsal Teams’ Term 4 2023

SHC Junior A                            SHC Junior B

Rhea Chantrey                                  Tayla Ward           

Natalie Turner                                   Raven Lawton

Issy Davidson                                    Atawai Potaka-Osborne

Freyja Longdon                                 Stephanie Powell

Brooke Cuneen                                Christie Taeali       

Magdalena Jobbins                          Eva Peitersen

Zoe Sebileau                                     Poppy Dickie

Melia Gubb

Bella Burrows 


Manager: Andrew Chantrey            Manager: Caitlin Montaperto-Wells

                &  Karen Chantrey

SHC Senior A                            SHC Senior B

Sophie Walker                                   Caitlin Montaperto-Wells

Bethany Seymour                             Kaitlin Black

Lola Parlato                                        Shanae August

Megan Thomas                                  Isabella Bason           

Laura Brassington                             Niah Molloy

Hazel Marwick

Genevieve Kruger                                                                

Coach: Nick Swain                              Manager: Carl Montaperto