Enrolments now open!

Bus and Transport

Many students travel by bus to and from school. The buses from Hastings and Bay View are funded by the Ministry of Education and are free of charge for our students.

Students who travel by bus are expected to behave sensibly and maturely to ensure that all passengers are transported safely. 

The Taradale/Tamatea bus is a user pay service.   Ticket prices for the Taradale/Tamatea bus are as follows:  

Term Pass $175.00

Concession 20 ride ticket $60.00

Casual Trip $4.00

Term Passes and concession tickets to be purchased at the school office. Casual trip to be purchased from the bus driver.    

A term pass or concession ticket will need to be shown to the driver or a casual trip will be expected to be purchased.   

Students travelling to and from Hastings will be allocated passes to travel on either Bus 1 or Bus 2.  This is required to ensure the buses are not overloaded which would compromise the girls’ safety. 

Bus Timetables:

Dropping off and Picking Up

Students must not be dropped off or picked up in our carpark please.

Please take care when you are driving and parking to drop off and pick up students in the surrounding streets. The roads do get very congested, consider parking further away or arriving a little later. Please do not park across driveways. 

Students Driving to School

Students who have their licence and wish to drive to school must fill out an application form available at the school office. Students are able to park on the school side of Cobden Road, with consideration for our neighbours. Student's may not park in the school car park as there is insufficient space.