Join us for Open Evening - Tuesday 20 August, 6.30pm

Tennis – Terms 1 and 4


Start date: 22nd & 23rd February 2021


  • Junior A & B Grade Mixed Year 9 & 10
  • Senior A & B Grade Mixed Year 11 to 13

Game days:

  • A Grade will be played on Monday’s after school.
  • B Grade will remain on a Tuesday.

If you are an A Grade level player, but you cannot play on Monday. Please, let your teacher in charge know, as we can try an arrange some tennis for you on a Tuesday.


  • A Grade teams are 2 players in a team.
  • B Grade are teams of 4 players.

Everyone gets to play a singles and doubles match.

What grade should you play in?

A Grade

This is designed for players who take part in our local tournaments. We would really like

our rep players and Junior & Nationals Development group to consider taking part.

B Grade

Players taking part in this grade need to be able to serve and know how to score.

Logistics: Depending on availability, transport may be arranged for students via staff in private vehicles and/or school minibuses if possible. In most cases, students are responsible for arranging their own transport to and from games.

Practices: These are arranged around the coaches' availability. Once team numbers and coaches are confirmed we will arrange practice times and venue.

Games: Games are played on Monday or Tuesday afternoons depending what grade you are in.

Uniform: Students are expected to wear their school PE Uniform (shorts and tops) and their school sports hoodie or school jacket and own black sports trackpants to and from games. For warmth, players can wear a white, maroon, or black under-layer underneath their playing top.

Equipment: Sports shoes and tennis racquet. Racquets are available to borrow from the Sports Department.

Sports Draw: All games details will be added to the school sports draw which is updated weekly and will be available on our school sport Facebook page, school sport website and school sport app.